What We Believe and Represent as a Church
Bula Vinaka & Welcome to the Tabacakacaka o Viti e Okaladi (Auckland Fiji Methodist Circuit). Our church is located at 128 Whitford Road, Meadowlands, Manukau is a member of the Auckland Fiji Methodist Circuit. Greeting in the mighty name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. We hope that you will be blessed and refreshed as you search and browse through through the resources in our website. 
Our Vision & Mission Statement
“To (always) recognize and represent the reign of God at all levels through fusion and change of social, educational, cultural and spiritual in Christ to develop and enhance a vibrant and caring community.”
“Me kilai (tikoga) ka vakayacori na Nona veiliutaki na Kalou ena yasa ni veiqaravi kece sara ena kena vakaduavatataki ka vakavoui na ka kecega vei Karisito and noda bula veicurumaki, bula vakavuli, bula vakavanua kei na bula vakayalo me bula bula ka dei kina na noda veikauwaitaki.”
“To increase members who will always acknowledge our common bondage to sin and our freedom from it through the Death and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. To study diligently and go forth to proclaim faithfully this Good News in the Name of God, following the Way of Christ, through the Power of the Holy Spirit.”
“Me vakalevutaki na kedra iwiliwili ko ira era kila ka vakatusa na noda bobula tu ki na ivalavala ca. Ia, eda sa sereki oti mai kina ena Nona Mate kei na Nona Tucake Tale na Noda Turaga ko Jisu Karisito. Ena vuku ni veisereki oqo, eda sa kacivi kina meda vulica vagumatua, ka talai meda tukuna ena yalo dina na itukutuku Vinaka oqo, ena Yaca ni Kalou, ka muria tiko na sala i Karisito, ena kaukauwa ni Yalo Tabu.”
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Our Priorities and Purpose
Our Church inculcate the following as its Core Priorities to nurture Values and Character:
Worship – Exalting Gods Presence
Word – Biblical Teachings
Prayer – Standing in the Gap for People
Fellowship – Embracing Gods Family
Discipleship – Edifying Gods People
Evangelism – Spread the Good News by Word and Actions
Matthew 28:18-20 To Glorify God by fulfilling the Great Commission
Service Times
Sunday Services 
10:30 am